Dream Oriented is a registered entity/company in Republic of Turkey. There is few information we need to display here to make sure companies working with us access the right informations, tax id etc.
Legal Company Name Ticaret รnvanฤฑ | Dream Oriented Yazฤฑlฤฑm Ve Biliลim Limited ลirketi |
Tax Id Vergi No | 3131169763 |
Centeral Registry MERSIS No | 0313116976300001 |
Trade Registry Ticaret Sicil No | 441375 |
Registration Date Tescil Tarihi | 07.01.2020 |
Address Adres | Ankara, Turkey |
See the tax sheet for the company.
Please get in contact with us if you need any additional information. Legally, when we create a reciept or invoice for you or your company, we will email you a copy of it. You can also ask for archived reciepts or invoices we created for you.